Yesterday my good friend Catherine-Michelle and I had a mini- Series 4 marathon and all I can say is- WTF SKINS?! The promo had me so looking forward to it and I won't say that I was disappointed neccessarily but ummmm I'm kinda disappointed. I'll try not to reveal any spoilers but again with the lists I go. Also I promise my grammar isn't normally this bad but I like making up my own words sometimes.
Naomi: nononono awkward lengthish kinda curly hair is not cute. I liked your old lez haircut better
Emily: where did your bangs go?! Also your hair is getting borderline pink. Not cute either.
Whole female cast: did you guys fire the make up artist or something?
Freddie: you could lose some of that makeup, also don't think I missed that wrap cardigan you were wearing last ep. Were you running late for ballet?
Thomas: you're still awesome and I forgive you
Katie: I almost like you this season because you're "Katie fucking Fitch"
Effy: you irritate me to no end but what else is new
Cook: You're still one of my favorite characters even though everyone else hates you. Actually that's probably why I like you.
JJ: my other favorite character, looking forward to your episode mate
Hey remember when the show was fun and wacky and mischievous not just depressing and ... weird. Okay it was always weird, maybe I'm being too harsh. Still half the series to go and I'm staying optimisitic, couldn't you tell?

Oh the good old days. (Of Series 3 I mean, I don't compare the new and old casts
xo NK
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