
Paris AW 2010

Yohji Yamamoto

Haider Ackermann

I am currently very behind on fashion shows. Pretty sure it was a lost cause after London anyway. Still, I managed to check in on the designers I care about and found that I loved the collections presented by Yohji Yamamoto and Haider Ackermann. I've always had a difficult time expressing my thoughts on collections or really fashion in general. And it might be a strange thing for a Rhetoric major to say but I truly believe that I am terrible with words. At least when it comes to articulating my feelings about fashion. Paper on Kant, yes; blog post about my thoughts on the Yohji show, no.

I also get really uncomfortable when people tell me what I should like or ask me about my personal style. In fact I'm fairly certain that my friends could describe my style better than I could. Sometimes I think fashion is about having a visceral reaction to something. You like it or you don't like it. Some things grow on you but usually you like what you like and that's that. Obviously I have preferences and tendencies which could place me under certain categories and what not but it really is too much of a headache to start thinking about what that means about me and who I am as a person and what I'm trying to say through my clothes.

Maybe I just like it.

xo Nancy

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