
The Maxi Skirt Hunt

So I’ve been whining about this a lot lately and thought I would write a post on the matter since it really is just as fascinating as it sounds. For a while now, I’d say give or take 4 months, I’ve been on the hunt for a plain black maxi skirt.  And by “on the hunt” I mean too poor to actually look for said skirt so mostly lots of griping about wanting one to people who really don’t care, i.e. Kevin. Then, Seika tells me that my simple maxi skirt does indeed exist and it can be mine for a mere $19.95 from my local H&M. So I did what anyone would do, I ignored her. It was probably on sale, yeah SURE, there won’t be any left in my size, yada yada. But she persists, no they’re still there, yes they’re that cheap, and yes it’s exactly what you’re looking for! So yesterday after work I walk over to H&M with high hopes that FINALLY the “hunt” is over. And of course it’s an epic fail. I think the sales girl could tell how much I wanted it because it seemed like she searched high and low for that thing before finally admitting defeat and telling me it was nowhere to be found.

Nancy sad. Nancy goes home empty handed. Nancy eats 90843208403 pounds of pasta. Nancy is unconscious.

It’s a new day today and I’m whining to my best friend Carolann about my predicament. Apparently I am just being silly and should just call “one of the four H&M’s around me” because they never run out of anything in SoCal. Carolann offers to pick up the skirt from anywhere. I put up a fight at first but it’s no use, she is the most awesomest friend and says she has nothing better to do anyway. I call a store right by her work and they have it! I ask them to hold a size 2 and 4 and tell Carolann to make a judgment call. The size 2 was just for kicks, she gets me the 4.

And that kids is how it’s done.

PS: You know I didn't want to, but I had to. I TOLD YOU SO xoxoxoxoxoxo SI

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